Effective Tuesday, June 22, 2021, MDHHS’s June 1st Gatherings and Mask Order will be rescinded. All indoor and outdoor capacity restrictions will be removed, and MDHHS will no longer require residents to wear a face mask during indoor gatherings. BUT note that MIOSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Rules, which were revised in May 2021 are still in effect. As a reminder, the MIOSHA COVID-19 Emergency Rules require numerous workplace safeguards including:
- Daily entry self-screening protocol for all employees entering the workplace;
- Requirement that all employees, except fully vaccinated employees, remain at least 6 feet from one another to the maximum extent feasible while on worksite premises;
- Requirement that employees, except fully vaccinated employees, wear face coverings when the employee cannot consistently maintain 6 feet of separation from other individuals indoors in the workplace; and
- Quarantine and isolation protocols for suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 or close contacts of people with COVID-19.