ABC’s of 1031 Exchange

ABC’s of 1031 Exchange

Here’s what you should know about 1031 Exchanges   When you sell your business or investment real estate, capital gains taxes are payable on your profit and you will also have to pay additional taxes for depreciation recapture. These taxes substantially...
Executive Order 2020-21 and Real Estate

Executive Order 2020-21 and Real Estate

Many of our clients have questions related to “critical infrastructure workers” categorizations under Executive Order 2020-21 (COVID-19). For real estate workers, they do not constitute “critical infrastructure workers” and thus may not leave their homes...

Commercial Real Estate Purchase Agreement Do’s and Don’ts

Whether purchasing commercial real estate as an investment or to address business needs, purchasers have a nauseating amount of issues to consider when negotiating a real estate purchase agreement. The purchase agreement in many cases follows a letter of intent, but...